The Great British Wildflowers

Lucy Gray

Spring has truly sprung, and it has been a huge source of inspiration for me during this time of lockdown. I am so thankful we've had warm days which have meant we can leave the house and see the true beauty of the British Spring.

Girl holding buttercup under chin

Who else used to do this as a child? I can confirm I LOVE butter!

The fabulous thing about wildflowers is that they pretty much grow anywhere. Whether it's in the great open fields, the small hedgerows, in between pavement cracks or on roundabouts. Daises and Dandelions will crop up and keep reappearing anywhere with a bit of green space! They can be enjoyed wherever you are in the country be it countryside or city! 

Whilst some flowers are everywhere, others a little more rare! Did you know its actually illegal to pick wild bluebells? Lucky for me I have a few in my garden I was able to take and work from, however if you see them in the woodlands please leave them there for others to enjoy!

Woodland with bluebells

Be sure to leave Bluebells where you found them!

If you decide to have bluebells in your garden be sure to plant the English bluebell and not the Spanish version. This one is a little more vigorous and can take over our delicate native flower! 

Wild flowers that are in abundance to pick are:

  • Cow Parsley - related to the carrot did you know!
  • Daisies - best made into a chain! 
  • Dandelions - which seeds are excellent for when you need to tell the time.

I took this inspiration and made my new card and print from it! Designed with sending them as notelets I think they are perfect for any friend or family member. My Grandparents have both had a set from me! 

Who would you send them to?

The print also has the names of the flowers on too! 

I hope wherever you are in the world you have some wildflowers in your life to keep the days brighter!

Lots of love, Lucy x


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